Valley Printers Extras

We hope you find some engaging content on our little Extras Page- Check back often, as we like to add more whenever there’s a little down time 🙂 

We are pleased to save the cuttings from various projects for this effort. Please note that we cannot guarantee specific material types.

Each box is 1 week’s worth of cuttings/scraps. Pick Ups are arranged for Fridays between 3PM and 4:30PM- though alternative arrangements can be made. 

Boxes are assigned on a weekly basis on a first request basis. We are tracking who is picking up which week. If you are booked well in advance, we will send a reminder Email on Thursday. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email with “Upcycle Program” in the subject line.


Clothing/Apparel supply, embroidery, stitching, & More!

Sublimation : Custom Tumblers, Coffee Cups, & More!

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